Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life is like a Cup of Coffee
“Live the life you love.  Love the life you live.”  –Bob Marley

I’m going to always try to bring ya’ll original posts, but here’s one that I really want to share.  I certainly can’t take credit for it and I don’t know who to give credit to, but here’s how I came across it.
Graduation is a pretty exciting time in a young person’s life – new beginnings, new jobs, new friends, etc.  But one of the most exciting things a graduate can look forward to is the gifts.  I’m not going to lie, and those of you who have been there know, money is the best gift for this occasion.  So, I was quite taken aback when my mom handed me this huge gift bag at my graduation dinner.  It didn’t weigh much but it was definitely bulky.  What could it be?
I immediately looked for the hidden card, completely overlooking the new, well-polished frame that contained some story, typed on fancy stationary that my mom thought was relevant to my life.  I’ll be honest; I was more interested in the cold-hard cash.  But, my mom, being sneaky and knowing me all too well had hidden the card in her purse.
“Mom, where’s the card?”
“Na uh, little girl, I’m offended.  I want you to read that before I give you the card.”
Being the ever obedient child that I am, I read it (and read all of it).  After all, my mom had gone out of her way to give me this gift and no matter the monetary value, it’s the thought that counts.
This is what it said:
“A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit one of their old university professors.  Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal – some plain looking, other expensive and exquisite.  He told them to help themselves to the coffee.  When all of his former students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, ‘If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.  While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, it is the source of your problems and stress.’
He continued, ‘Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee.  In most cases, it is more expensive than the coffee itself and in other cases, hides what we drink.  What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you subconsciously went for the best cups … and then you began eyeing each other’s cups.’
He finished by saying, ‘Consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.  They are just tools to hold and contain life.  The type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.  Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us.  The happiest people don’t have the best of everything … they just make the best of everything.’
Live Simple.  Love Generously.  Care Deeply.  Speak Kindly.  Leave the rest to God.”
I don’t really know why I was surprised to receive this gift from my mom for my college graduation – she gave the same thing to my brother two years earlier.  I remember reading it at that time and it really meant nothing to me.  But, now, knowing that my mom knew it would be relevant in my life makes it all the more special.  It hangs in my office as a daily reminder that our attitudes affect us and those around us on a regular basis.  It’s simple life lessons like these that make this adventure called life all worthwhile. 


I'm a fan of HIM..My Secret and Longtime Crush

Takeshi Kaneshiro (Japanese and Chinese金城 武romajiKaneshiro TakeshiPinyin:Jīnchéng Wǔ, pronounced [ɕíntʂ͡ʰə̌ŋ ù]), born October 11, 1973, is a Taiwan-born Japanese actor and singer.


Kaneshiro is a common Okinawan family name.[1] In kanji金城 is Kaneshiro and  is Takeshi(given name), with Japanese readings. He appears as 金城 武 (Kaneshiro Takeshi) in Japanese media.
Although Kaneshiro is not a Chinese surname, the first kanji of Kaneshiro coincides with theChinese surname Jin  and with the Korean surname "Kim" 김. Since personal names are commonly written in Chinese characters in both Chinese and Japanese naming conventions, with surnames before given names, this gives Kaneshiro the freedom whether to distinguish himself as a Japanese or not when working in Chinese-speaking countries by preserving or removing the space between his surname and given name.


Kaneshiro's mother is from Taiwan and his father from Okinawa, Japan.[2] He was born and raised in Taipei and holds Japanese citizenship.[3][4]
He has two elder brothers, one is his senior by seven years, the other just by one.[5] After graduating from Taipei Japanese Junior High School, he enrolled at English-based Taipei American School, which enabled him to converse in English. While he was studying there, he began doing TV commercials and decided to quit school to pursue a singing and acting career. He is multi-lingual, fluent in Mandarin,Taiwanese Hokkien and Japanese, and to lesser degrees in English and Cantonese.


In 1992, Kaneshiro made his singing debut, entering the business with the nickname Aniki, meaning 'older brother' in Japanese. His debut album was Heartbreaking Night (1992). Contracted to EMI, he wrote many of his own Mandarin and Cantonese songs. The following year, his popularity propelled him into acting and he no longer produces any commercial music.
His first movie was Executioners (1993) and this was followed by the critically acclaimed Wong Kar-wai film Chungking Express (1994) and a string of other Hong Kong movies. Later, Kaneshiro starred in the highly successful Japanese TV mini-series God, Please Give Me More Time (1998), allowing him to branch into Japanese movies such as Returner (2002).
Kaneshiro's work, however, is more heavily concentrated in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In 2008 and 2009 he starred in Red Cliff(Chinese: 赤壁; pinyin: Chìbì), a high budget film by Hong Kong director John Woo. He has also played the romantic lead in the Zhang Yimou film House of Flying Daggers, and starred alongside Jet Li and Andy Lau in the film The Warlords. Kaneshiro has also become well known in the video game industry portraying the samurai warrior Samanosuke in the Capcom hit Onimusha. In a June 2007 article on the movie siteAin't It Cool News, it was revealed that Kaneshiro will be in the Onimusha movie, reprising his role as Samanosuke and for a 2011 release.[6][7][8]
In 2003, Kaneshiro was featured in Time Magazine and was coined as becoming the Asian film industry's Johnny Depp.[9] Moreover, Kaneshiro was interviewed by CNN in the TalkAsia segment in 2006.[10]
Outside of the entertainment business, Kaneshiro has acted as a spokesperson and model for Emporio Armani (2008) as well as, Prada(1998), Lifecard credit card company, VAIO personal computer, Honda, Lipice lips moisturizer, SonyEricssonPocari Sweat soft drink,Morinaga chocolate, VolvicGEOS (eikaiwa) (language school), Petronas oil company, Japan Asia AirwaysHyundai Motor Company,Toyota MarkX ZiO, Mitsubishi GalantNTT docomo the predominant mobile phone operator in Japan, NTT Yellow PagesShiseidoLycos,UCC Ueshima Coffee Co.Kadokawa Shoten a well-known Japanese publisher based in Tokyo, Rice Burger, Roasted barley tea, One2Free (HK), and Kiwi cold drink, and the most recent Biotherm Homme since 2005.[11]

[edit]Personal life

Kaneshiro is known for trying to avoid the media spotlight. He has been quoted as saying “If one day I get married and have kids, I will probably be one of those men who really care for the family. I will eat at home every day, and help with the chores and take care of the children.”[12]





  • Golden Bowl (2002) (Japanese: ゴールデンボウル)
  • Love 2000 (2000) (Japanese: 二千年の恋)
  • God, Please Give Me More Time (1998) Kamisama, Mou Sukoshi Dake (Japanese: 神様、もう少しだけ)
  • The Miracle on a Christmas Night (1995) (Japanese: 聖夜の奇跡)

[edit]Hong Kong

  • Colour Of Amour (1995)


  • Grass Scholar (1992)




Takeshi Kaneshiro is one of 10 recipients of the Green Planet Film Award (23 March 2010) in the category "10 Best International Actors of the Decade (Asia)". Source - the official site of the award
